"All This is for You" #110031

Expressionist landscape in bold colors with yellow heart in sky.
Framed expressionist landscape in bold colors with yellow heart in sky.
Expressionist landscape in bold colors with yellow heart in sky.
Framed expressionist landscape in bold colors with yellow heart in sky.

"All This is for You" #110031


8 by 12 inches, framed 12 by 16 inches.

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The symbols include the five shapes identified by archaeologist Angeles Arrien as carrying universal meaning across cultures.

The title of this painting comes from a story Robert Bly tells in his film, “A Gathering of Men” A mature man stands by the ocean next to a teenage boy who’s very depressed, perhaps suicidal. The older man waves his hand and tells the boy “All this…is for YOU.”


  • 8 by 12 inches, framed 12 by 16 inches.

  • Oil pastel and mixed media on archival multimedia board.

  • Matted with 8-ply archival Bainbridge Classic mat.

  • Framed with picture glass.

  • Frame is eco-friendly wood, finished with satin varnish.