Stories of Heart Paintings

Explore behind the scene into the studio — and out into the wider world with songs, videos, references, links.

“Come further up, come further in!” (C.S. Lewis - “The Last Battle” - Narnia series

Most of these stories include a chance to comment. I invite you to add your own story about contemplating a heart painting. What does it suggest to you? What holds your attention? What title would you give it? What does it empower you to do?

More stories are on the way. To get a notice when a new story is published, please connect.

Learn more —>Licensing and fair market use of heart images.

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The Heartpainter studio and office are located on Creek/Mvskoke, Yuchi/Tsoyaha, and Cherokeee/Aniyunwiya/Tsalagi land.

© 2007-2023 Catherine Jo Morgan, All Rights Reserved.